The Mount Pilgrim Baptist Church was founded in 1920 under the leadership and Pastorate of the Late Grant Edgar Hall. His philosophy was, “If opportunity doesn’t knock, then build a door.” It was that second Sunday in July of 1920 that Pastor Hall’s prayers were answered. On July, the 11th, 1920, the church name was submitted by Deacon Jubie Johnson and adopted. Rev. Hall was called as Pastor, Deacon Jubie Johnson -Superintendent of Sunday School, Deacon Stonewall Jackson – Treasurer and Deacons were Jubie Johnson, Phil Johnson, James Lewis and George Taylor. The 2-room church was purchased from the Farkas Estate and later torn down in 1926. A wooden church was now erected on the site.
In 1952, the church was forced to close so that a public housing project could be constructed. Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church then moved into the old Raleigh White building located at 630 Jefferies Avenue. The First Baptist Church was very supportive for many years.
The founding Pastor, Rev. Hall, resigned in 1956 due to a failing health after 36 years of loyal service. He passed away the following year, 12/25/1957. The following served as pastor there-after: Rev. R. J. Polk (years), Rev. P. E. Davenport (initiated a renovation of the existing structure), Rev. J. L. Jones (1962-1963), Rev. J. E. Brown (1963-1965), Rev. C. W. Heath (1966-1971) and in 1972, Rev. R. E. Ousley became Pastor. He demonstrated superb motivational skills that resulted in the construction of a new brick edifice that was dedicated in 1974. In 1978, Rev. Ousley was called by the Supreme Master of the universe from labor to reward as the only Pastor to die in office. The legacy continued on with Rev. Jimmy Sneed (associate minister 1978-1981), Rev. Carl K. Rolle (1982-1987), Rev. Vernon Lloyd (1988-1991), Rev. Clayton Smith (1991-1995), Rev. James B. Rodgers (1996-2002) and currently Rev. Walter L. Ingram, Jr. (2005-Present). Under Rev. Ingram’s leadership, Mt. Pilgrim moved to the present facility at 1501 Newton Road, Albany, GA.
God is continuously blessing this church. As we continue to experience steady growth, our aim is to uphold the Great Commission. The church is blessed to have two members that transitioned from the first church at 627 Society Avenue to its current location of 1501 Newton Road. They are Deacon Edgar Martin (1935) and Bro. Johnny Boone, Sr., (1941).